28 june 2022

chicks day 20
20220628 0608 060805 C100 video - 06h08 the female brings a mouse
video - 06h08 the female brings a mouse

20220628 0611 061135 C100 video - 06h11 chicks eating
video - 06h11 chicks eating

20220628 0641 064116 C100 video - 06h41 the female arrives to feed chicks
video - 06h41 the female arrives to feed chicks

20220628 0722 072205 C310 video - 07h22 the male arrives with a mouse
video - 07h22 the male arrives with a mouse

20220628 0722 072204 C100 video - 07h22 the male arrives wth a mouse
video - 07h22 the male arrives wth a mouse

20220628 0824 082443 C100 video - 08h24 the female arrives with a mouse
video - 08h24 the female arrives with a mouse

20220628 0857 085743 C100 video - 08h57 the male arrives with a mouse
video - 08h57 the male arrives with a mouse

20220628 0929 092926 C100 video - 09h29 the female arrives with a mouse
video - 09h29 the female arrives with a mouse

20220628 0950 095046 C200 video - 09h50 the female arrives with a mouse and feeds the chicks
video - 09h50 the female arrives with a mouse and feeds the chicks

20220628 1025 102534 C100 video - 10h25 the male arrives with a mouse and leaves it as the chicks don't take it
video - 10h25 the male arrives with a mouse and leaves it as the chicks don't take it

20220628 1129 112954 C100 video - 11h29 the female feeds the chicks
video - 11h29 the female feeds the chicks

20220628 1131 113133 C100 video - 11h31 chick flexing
video - 11h31 chick flexing

20220628 1322152506 C100 12h00

20220628 1259 125919 C310 video - 12h59 the male arrives with mouse
video - 12h59 the male arrives with mouse

20220628 1308386057 C200 13h03 the young kestrels don't seem to be hungry
13h03 the young kestrels don't seem to be hungry

20220628 1411 141120 C100 video - 14h11 the female arrives with a mouse which one chick takes; the female finds a mouse to share
video - 14h11 the female arrives with a mouse which one chick takes; the female finds a mouse to share

20220628 1411 141130 C200 video - 14h11 the female arrives with a mouse which one chick takes; the female finds a mouse to share
video - 14h11 the female arrives with a mouse which one chick takes; the female finds a mouse to share

20220628 1748 174830 C310 video - 17h48 the female brings a vole
video - 17h48 the female brings a vole

20220628 1748 174830 C100 video - 17h48 the female brings a vole and tries to share it
video - 17h48 the female brings a vole and tries to share it

20220628 1926 192630 C310 video - 19h26 the female brings a vole which is grabbed
video - 19h26 the female brings a vole which is grabbed